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Taqueria Installation Basics

Installing Taqueria is a quick and easy process if you understand a few basic concepts and follow the steps outlined in this guide

There are two main components you can install:

  • The Taqueria CLI (required)
  • The VS Code plugin for Taqueria (optional)

The Taqueria CLI is required to use the VS Code extension and as such, must be installed first


Taqueria CLI

  • Node.js v18.18 or later.
  • A compatible operating system:
    • MacOS
    • Linux
    • Windows (via WSL 2)
  • Docker v20.10.12 or later

Installing the Taqueria CLI


The Taqueria CLI is an executable binary named taq.

Installing the Taqueria CLI involves the following steps:

  1. Download the correct build of Taqueria for your operating system
  2. Make the Taqueria binary taq executable
  3. Add taq to your shell's $PATH

To install, we recommend our one-line installer:

/bin/bash -c "$(wget -O - 2>/dev/null || curl -fsSL"

Alternative OS Specific Instructions

  1. Download the latest MacOS build of Taqueria

For MacOS installations, we recommend using Homebrew:

brew tap TezosTaqueria/taqueria
brew install taqueria

Test the CLI

At this point, Taqueria should be installed and ready to use. You can test this by running the following command:

taq --version

You should see the version of Taqueria installed output:


If you see this, you have successfully installed the Taqueria CLI!

Installing the VS Code Extension (optional)

The Taqueria VS Code Extension is installed from the Extensions pane within VS Code. The steps to install are:

  1. Open the Extensions pane
  2. Type Taqueria in the search bar
  3. Click install