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The LIGO plugin provides tasks to work with LIGO smart contracts such as compiling and testing.


  • Taqueria v0.42.0 or later
  • Node.js v18.18 or later
  • Docker v20.10.12 or later


To install the LIGO plugin on a Taqueria project, navigate to the project folder and run:

taq install @taqueria/plugin-ligo

You can override the Ligo version used by the plugin by creating the environment variable TAQ_LIGO_IMAGE and setting it to your desired Ligo Docker image

The taq compile Task

Basic usage is:

taq compile <contractName>

The compile task is implemented by more than one compiler plugin (LIGO, Archetype, SmartPy). If more than one of these plugins are installed on a project, you need to use the --plugin ligo flag to specify a particular compiler

Basic description

The LIGO plugin exposes a compile task in Taqueria which can target one LIGO contract in the contracts folder and compile them to a Michelson .tz file output to the artifacts folder

A frictionless smart contract development workflow

Our LIGO plugin introduces a smart contract development workflow by means of two simple file naming formats

Suppose you have a contract named hello.mligo and you create a file in the same directory as the contract with the naming format of CONTRACT.storageList.EXT, where CONTRACT is the name of the contract this storage list file is associated with and EXT must match the extension of the associated contract. In our case, the former is hello and the latter is mligo, so it'd be named hello.storageList.mligo

You can define a list of LIGO variables in hello.storageList.mligo in the form of let VARIABLE_NAME: STORAGE_TYPE = EXPRESSION (explicit typing is optional but recommended) and the expressions will be treated as initial storage values for hello.mligo


Note that the form is actually mligo code. Variable definitions in other syntax variants will differ.

Similarly with hello.parameterList.mligo but in the form of let VARIABLE_NAME: PARAMETER_TYPE = EXPRESSION

taq compile hello.storageList.mligo will compile each definition in hello.storageList.mligo and will produce a Michelson .tz file that contains the storage value, as a Michelson expression, for each of them. If the name of a variable is storage1, then its emitted Michelson file will be named For taq compile hello.parameterList.mligo, the name will be if there's a variable named param1 defined in hello.parameterList.mligo

Furthermore, the first variable definition in hello.storageList.mligo will be treated as the default storage and will produce a Michelson file named instead. The deploy task from the Taquito plugin will take advantage of this. Go to that plugin documentation to learn how

Lastly, taq compile hello.mligo will compile hello.mligo and emit Then it'll look for hello.storageList.mligo and hello.parameterList.mligo and compile them too if they are found


The --json flag will make the task emit JSON-encoded Michelson instead of pure Michelson .tz

The taq compile-all Task

Basic usage is:

taq compile-all

It works just like the compile task but it compiles all main contracts, a.k.a contracts with a main function.

The taq test Task

Basic usage is:

taq test <fileName>

Basic description

This task tests the LIGO source code and reports either a failure or success. Normally you'd have a contract file and a separate test file that includes the contract's code, both within the contracts directory

For example, refer to the following snippets:

export namespace IncDec {
export type storage = int;
type ret = [list<operation>, storage];
// Three entrypoints

const increment = (delta: int, store: storage): ret =>
[list([]), store + delta];
const decrement = (delta: int, store: storage): ret =>
[list([]), store - delta];
const reset = (_p: unit, _s: storage): ret => [list([]), 0]

#import "IncDec.jsligo" "Contract"

/* Tests for main access point */

const test_initial_storage =
() => {
let initial_storage = 42;
let contract = Test.originate(contract_of (Contract.IncDec), initial_storage, 0 as tez);
return assert(Test.get_storage(contract.addr) == initial_storage)

const test_increment =
() => {
let initial_storage = 42;
let contract = Test.originate(contract_of (Contract.IncDec), initial_storage, 0 as tez);
let _ = Test.transfer_exn(contract.addr, (Increment (1)), 1mutez);
return assert(Test.get_storage(contract.addr) == initial_storage + 1)

By running taq test testCounter.mligo, you should get the following:

│ Contract │ Test Results │
│ testIncDec.jsligo │ Everything at the top-level was executed. │
│ │ - test_initial_storage exited with value (). │
│ │ - test_increment exited with value (). │
│ │ │
│ │ 🎉 All tests passed 🎉 │

The taq ligo task

Basic usage is:

taq ligo --command <command to pass to the underlying LIGO binary>

Wrap the value for the --command flag with quotes.


This task allows you to run arbitrary LIGO native commands, but they might not benefit from the abstractions provided by Taqueria

Template creation

The LIGO plugin also exposes a contract template via the taq create contract <contractName> task. This task will create a new LIGO contract in the contracts directory and insert some boilerplate LIGO contract code

The create contract Template

The create contract task is used to create a new LIGO contract from a template. Running this task will create a new LIGO smart contract in the contracts directory and insert boilerplate contract code

taq create contract <contractName>

The create contract task takes a filename a required positional argument. The filename must end with a LIGO extension (.jsligo, .mligo, etc)

Plugin Architecture

This is a plugin developed for Taqueria built on NodeJS using the Taqueria Node SDK and distributed via NPM

Docker is used under the hood to provide a self contained environment for LIGO to prevent the need for it to be installed on the user's local machine